Basic Idea of Group Discussions

As the name suggests Group discussion is the activity carried out by the group of persons. It assumes significance because for any organization one person alone does not possess the requisite knowledge, skill or talent to achieve the given goal. To achieve difficult targets of an organization we need maternal as well as intellectual inputs from others like group of persons of an organization. The group can markedly helps us to achieve that target.

Recently a study has been carried out in an organization and it has brought out that their executives spend half of their time of work in business meetings. These meetings are called at very short notices because they do not want to give time to the executives to make preparation for the same. During such time of interactions a number of personality traits assume significant and on the one hand one may gain some thing and one may also have to give up something for the sake of others. In this process one must have explicit faith in the spirit of give and take.

In the recent past, quality of an individual to become an effective team member has increased importance. Knowledge without adequate team spirit and responsibility could become a liability for any organization.


The primary aim of the group discussion is to arrive at some point of agreement or valid discussion. In this regard it is important to note that the process of the discussion is as significant as the final decision arrived at. It has to ensure that in an effective discussion, many different aspects of a subject are brought out fairly in detail so that the process of decision becomes simpler.  When a group of candidates is subjected to a group discussion (GD) its focus immediately shifts to assessing various altitude of participant candidates. Today most organization adopted GD as a tool for selection of candidates. This approach is quite logical to check he/she possess the ability to express his/her idea in a convincing and logical manner but also provides a fair opportunity for others to convey their thoughts.

To discuss problems or situation in a group by conducting GD, one creates a real situation where group members are given an opportunity to display their skills in a given time frame. Short time constraints are deliberately introduced to impel group members to given out their best performance in the shortest time possible. It is evident that a more skilled person can substantially influence other person. His decision making process makes better options available and eventually help to reach a more sound solution of a particular problem.

During a GD his/her own perception, emotions and a set pattern of behavior are separated to sustained interaction with perceptions, emotions and behavior among the members of the group.


As explained earlier, GD is normally conducted by selectors as a part of selection process for entry level jobs or admission in a course of study. During this process a wide range of topics are given to the candidates.

Generally topics are of following types:-

  1. Reality based topics
  2. Imaginary abstract based topics
  3. Case study GD.


A healthy Group Discussion will have following advantages:-

  1. Enhance understanding of issues.
  2. Better understanding amongst the members.
  3. Reaching better decision.
  4. Creation of good feelings amongst candidates.


Following are the criteria’s that are always kept in mind to evaluate the GD:-

  1. Depth of knowledge/ awareness.
  2. Ability to express ideas.
  3. Infallibility
  4. Adjustment with new people & new ideas
  5. Display of self confidence
  6. Courage of conviction
  7. Leadership attributes
  8. Face the stressful situation
  9. Willingness to learn
  10. Eye for detail
  11. Logical thinking


Following are the points that are very important for the candidate during the Group Discussion which gives them an extra edge:-

  1. Initiating a discussion
  2. Possessing requisite knowledge
  3. Communicating effectively
  4. Role of body language
  5. Maturity and mutual respect
  6. Making an impact
  7. Technique of interruption
  8. Reaching a consequence.


During the preparation of GD a candidate must kept these points in mind:-

  1. A guiding relevant information
  2. Creating a data bank of important information
  3. Improving communication skill
  4. Displaying a leadership qualities


Maj.(Retd.) D.P Kadyan


Atharva Defence Academy

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